Which Restorative Dentistry Procedure Do You Need?

Missing, chipped, discolored, or broken teeth—these are just some dental problems many people encounter at least once in their lives. Fortunately, there are treatments available to address them, some of which are relatively simple enough to be done in a single visit to the dentist. These procedures fall under restorative dentistry; and its goal is to bring teeth back to their healthy, fully functional state. Here are some of them:

Dental Fillings

The most common procedure to treat cavities is the application of dental fillings. It involves removing the decayed portion of the tooth and replacing it with a filling material. Today, several filling materials are available for patients to choose from, including gold, porcelain, plastic, silver, and more. There are also tooth-colored resins made to resemble the existing teeth, giving the fillings a natural appearance.

Typically, filling a tooth doesn’t take long to complete and can be done in a single visit. However, if you have several cavities that need to be treated, your dentist may opt to perform the procedure in multiple visits.

Dental Crowns

Crowns are tooth-shaped caps attached to the teeth to restore their structure and enhance their appearance. Dentists may recommend placing a dental crown to protect a tooth that has been broken or weakened by decay, cover severely discolored teeth, or hold a dental bridge in place.

Like fillings, dental crowns can be made from various materials, such as stainless steel, metal, ceramic, or porcelain. For patients who need to get their crowns completed in a single visit, CEREC crowns are a great option. These are produced using a computerized system that allows for rapid design and production of a custom-fit, natural-looking material.


A denture is a removable substitute for missing or lost teeth. It may be placed either fully or partially, depending on a patient’s needs and condition.

Complete dentures are used when there’s no tooth remaining in the gums. Partials, on the other hand, contain one or more artificial teeth positioned in place of the missing natural ones.

Dental Implants

Considered the standard of care of missing teeth replacement, dental implants are the closest thing that looks and feels like a natural tooth. Unlike removable dentures, they’re more permanent as they’re surgically placed into the jawbone.

A dental implant has two parts: a titanium post, which acts as an artificial root, and a false tooth. Since they’re anchored in place, implants are capable of fully restoring your teeth’s functionality, allowing you to speak, chew, and bite more easily.

For Your Oral and Dental Health Needs

Maintain a beaming, more confident smile with the help of Dr. Woodburn, D.D.S. Whether you need a restorative or cosmetic dentistry procedure, our staff will welcome you and ensure you’ll be comfortable and satisfied with the results. Schedule an appointment today.